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Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 3-5 pm PST

Intergenerational Reflections Women in the Pajaro Valley
Our storytelling project explores three generations of women of one family as they share their perspectives and experiences living in the Pajaro Valley. They describe their roles in passing on culture in the community and their mentorship for other women in the valley.
The women discuss the importance of familial relationship for continued learning and consider how environmental changes, as a result of climate change, continues to impact their community, especially the most vulnerable members of the community - women and young girls.
Esther, the grandmother, is a small farm owner (now retired); her daughter, Ruby works in education, and her granddaughter, Valentina, works as part of Americorps to organize volunteers at Watsonville’s Digital Nest. Ruby and Valentina also are key volunteers behind the new Watsonville Campesino Caravan of Appreciation, providing direct support, respect and appreciation to thousands of farmworkers during the pandemic.

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