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September 2023 News

Transformative Climate Communities Launch

Regeneración hosted two kick off events on September 6th attended by dozens of regional leaders and community members. Monterey County is the lead and Regeneración will coordinate a 2 year community-driven planning process. Click on names to access links to the two inspiring videos featuring how Oakland and the Coachella Valley have been positively impacted by the TCC program. Access Santa Cruz Sentinel's great coverage of our event here.

We gathered with regional leaders from elected officials' offices and non profits in the afternoon for a Meet and Greet with Jennifer Kim and Brendan Pipkin, our technical assistance providers from the Strategic Growth Council TCC program. We began to sketch out an overview of the various multi-million dollar projects already awarded for implementation in the area and imagined the possibilities if more grants are awarded and efforts are aligned toward a goal of ensuring equitable climate resilience for the people of the Pajaro Valley.

Nearly sixty people attended the evening program, which featured a surprise visit from Michael Dyer, Transformative Climate Communities implementation manager from Oakland, along with screenings of two dynamic films. Going Deep features East Oakland residents and TCC for all is set in the Coachella Valley. We're looking for dates and locations to host additional screenings and discussions this fall in Monterey County and Santa Cruz - -please write us at if you'd like to help us with these event. Our small team will need help with arranging event logistics, set up and break down.

Special shout out to all of our event sponsors and volunteers for standing with us to make these events possible!


New 5 year Strategic Plan!

After 7 years in operation, our new plan will launch Regeneración into the next phase of our organizational growth and development.

Advice from interviewee: "Stay flexible - we are seeing the first wave of weather changes from climate change. Be on the lookout for opportunities, needs, and gaps. Stay focused on community and equity for those who will bear disproportionate impacts."

We'd love to hear your thoughts on our plan! Review it here.



What: Bilingual Spanish/English hands-on workshops on management skills, regenerative agriculture, and new ag technologies and practices for small farm operators

When: October 2023 to March 2024

Where: Sites in four counties around the Central Coast

Who: Sustainable Systems Research Foundation and the Technical Assistance for Small Farm Regenerative Agriculture

More information: Marisela Lara at CHLARA4920@GMAIL.COM.


What's your vision of a thriving Pajaro Valley?

Take our 3 question survey now! We're loving the responses! Here's a quick preview -

"I want Pajaro Valley to be provided with more opportunities, more money, and less need for pesticides."

"Watsonville should have more green energy jobs."

"I would imagine that the ideal Pajaro Valley sight would be a clean environment without trash on the ground or trees, lots of plants and flowers around and a more active community with lots of activities to do."


Grant Awarded

We're honored to announce an $8,000 Community-Led Research Technical and Financial Assistance grant awarded by the River Network. The award is funded by the Kresge Foundation and the Patagonia Foundation in order to center the experiences and priorities of community members to drive and inform future investments in the communities of Pajaro and downtown Watsonville, in particular for disaster recovery, river restoration, and climate resilience activities.


Salinas Ride and Drive - National Drive Electric Week

View, test drive, and connect with EV owners to learn about electric vehicles (EVs) at all affordability levels.

Test ride electric bikes and enter for a chance to win a NEW e-bike courtesy of Epicenter Cycling!

Host: Ecology Action


Upcoming Events

  • 9/17, 11:30-5 - Celebrate Mexican Independence Day! Shout out to Oscar Rios for choosing the theme of Honoring Our Planet for Watsonville's event this year.

  • 10/1, 11-4 Ride and Drive - Salinas Amtrak Station, 11 Station Place

  • 10/10- 10/13 Third Annual Our Heritage, Our Planet Film Week- Hispanic Access Foundation

  • Dates TBD: Climate of Hope - Thriving Pajaro Valley Santa Cruz and Monterey film screenings and discussion.


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