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May News: Climate Change  seen through Pajaro Residents' Eyes

Writer: Nancy FaulstichNancy Faulstich


 Over 50 people attended the opening reception for our photography exhibit on May 8. It was a very moving experience to hear each Pajaro resident speak about their participation in the project and witness their firm commitment to the well being of their community.


Learn more about the participants and their artistic process in this wonderful piece by Liza Gross of Inside Climate News. 


You can view the photos on display now through June 7th at SOMOS, 112 East Beach St. (United Presbyterian Church free coffeeshop - yes, free hot chocolate, coffees and other drinks served to anyone!  Donations gladly accepted.)


SOMOS is open Monday - Friday from 2-5 pm.


Additional  photos and stories from these residents are  viewable here on our website.


And we're proud to announce that a few of the images will be featured in a new exhibition opening May 23 at UCSC: Envisioning Health for All: A Juried Student and Pajaro Resident Exhibition on Health and Climate Change.


Appreciations to Emily Reigh, UCSC Assistant Professor of Science Education for providing mentorship during the photo workshop process.


Now we need your help!


We seek additional venues to display the photos over the next year as well as funding to support associated expenses and to repeat the project in 2025 with Watsonville residents.


Please contact us at info@regenerationpajarovalley with suggestions of venues and offers of help to arrange displays.


Here are 2 easy ways to give - Thank you!


-Donate securely on our website.


-Make a check out to Community Initiatives with Regeneration in the memo.

Mail to:


PO Box 1252

Freedom, CA 95019



Working throughout the year with you to build a more healthy, equitable, and climate-resilient Pájaro Valley,

Nancy Faulstich, Director

with Eloy Ortiz, Special Projects Manager and Maria Perez, Community Organizer



Pictured l-r: Maria Perez, Regeneración Community Organizer, Nancy Faulstich, Regeneración Director, Pajaro residents: Ricardo P., Elisa H., Angelina G., Jose L. , Emily Reigh, UCSC Assistant Professor of Science Education. Not pictured: Alejandra V, Pajaro resident.


Photo credit: Nicky Rosenberg, Sea Grant Fellow at the Monterey Bay Aquarium



¡Adelante Watsonville! 

State Funds Watsonville Project to Expand Equitable, Sustainable Mobility Options 

California Air Resource Board (CARB) awards $7.2million to expand bike share, add electric car share,mobility education, and bike lanes, trails and sidewalks in Watsonville. 

Project Lead Ecology Action will partner with Regeneración and others on this terrific initiative. Learn more. 


Beautiful free compost available now in Watsonville!

Bring your own containers and mail showing residence or business in city limits. Put one inch of compost over your garden for excellent soil health. 320 Harvest Drive. W-Sat 9 AM - 2 PM Learn more.


Pajaro River Levee Projects

Learn all about several major projects underway in Pajaro with the Army Corps of Engineers.



Help us Spring into Action!


Our spring appeal has launched! Please give generously  now to help us take our photo gallery to other venues over the coming year and repeat the project with Watsonville youth in 2025.


-Donate securely on our website.


-Make a check out to Community Initiatives with Regeneration in the memo.

Mail to:


PO Box 1252

Freedom, CA 95019


Thank you for elevating the climate experiences  of Pajaro Valley residents!


Free Aquarium entrance!

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has joined the Museums for All program. Starting May 27, people who qualify for federal food assistance (CalFresh) will receive free admission at all times. Valid SNAP/EBT card and a photo ID with matching name required for entry. Up to 4 people admitted per card. Details here. 


Buy Now, Save Big Later

The cost of the climate crisis ($38 trillion a year by 2050) will be greater than the cost of taking needed climate action.

A new study out of Germany has found that the global cost of the climate crisis will be $38 trillion per year by 2050 compared to a scenario with no climate crisis. This will result in average world incomes being reduced by one-fifth. 

All areas of the world will be affected negatively, including the U.S. and Europe, with the effects the worst in Africa and South Asia. 

The costs are six times greater than what it would cost to limit global warming to 2°C.

One of the authors of the study said, “It is on us to decide: structural change towards a renewable energy system is needed for our security and will save us money.”

Image by Maria Maltseva from Pixabay


Partner Good News

The Salinas-based Center for Community Advocacy "Promotoras de Salud" are  leading a Mental Health and Resilience workshop for Pajaro residents on  May 22, 6-8 pm at Our Lady of Assumption Church. 

Goals: Foster understanding about toxic stress, explore pathways to healing, and discover practical exercises to mitigate stress in daily life.




May is Bike Month!


Ride your bike and participate in fun events, including community rides, bike repair workshops and more.  Calendar here.


Upcoming Events

Now through June 7: Pajaro Photo Voice exhibition:  SOMOS, 112 East Beach St (United Presbyterian Church free coffeeshop. ) Monday - Friday from 2-5 pm.

May 18 : 10 AM, Watsonville Bike Month Community Ride . Meet at Watsonville Cyclery. 25 E 5th St # 101. Free coffee and snacks!  Sign up. 

May 23: 11 AM Building Climate Resilient Agricultural Worker Communities webinar. Register here. 

May 23: 4-5 pm Envisioning Health for All: A Juried Student and Pajaro Resident Exhibition on Health and Climate Change, UCSC McHenry Library

May 31: 6:00-7:30 pm Watsonville Bike Party, Watsonville Cyclery. 25 E 5th St # 101. Just show up!

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