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March News: Rolling up our sleeves! Act with joy and purpose

Writer: Nancy FaulstichNancy Faulstich

Everything Everywhere All at Once


Dear community,

We are entering even harder times but we must continue taking deliberate action to reduce the use of fossil fuels and eliminate them as quickly as possible to prevent continued warming of the atmosphere and eventual collapse of Earth’s ecosystems that have supported life as we know it for thousands of years. 


We can and must mourn our losses - they are real and devastating for individuals and communities.  


  • Unlawful detainments and deportations

  • Thousands of people  fired

  • Departments and agencies shuttered

  • Environmental justice offices closed

  • Rollbacks on environmental regulations

  • Threats to free speech

  • Attacks on bodily autonomy

  • Disregard for rules of judges

  • The Pajaro Valley will be hit hard by funding reductions to many organizations as well as the county government


It is absolutely tragic to witness the collapse of beneficial structures that were built over many decades.


Irrationality is prevailing for the time being. Lies, confusions and distortions of reality are everywhere.

Get informed, then choose your battles.  


Speak the truth over and over, to individuals and groups.


It is up to us  to stay clear, to act rationally, and to join together to throw off this attempt to end democracy. As imperfect as it was, it is better than a dictatorship.


Don’t let your fears determine what you do. You can always choose your attitude, no matter what the current circumstances are.


Face current challenges clearly, not on the basis of past confusions.


Don't stay on the sidelines during a pivotal moment in history. Now more than ever we need to act locally to protect people and preserve the living environment.


At the same time, we need to protect our personal health and maintain energy for the duration of this fight. There are too many issues for any one person to address.


There are many excellent leaders to follow from many different constituency groups who are providing perspective and analysis. And YOU just might be the best person to lead the people around you.


One of my heroes is the Reverend William Barber  II,  leader of the Poor People’s Campaign.


I find Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American about the history behind today's politics to be clear and informative. 


We need to unite people to oppose an oligarchy takeover of the country and stand firmly with all working people. Our resistance can be fun and creative and this could be the most deeply meaningful time of our lives. 


Check out this video of a Boston area double Flashmob at Tesla and Prudential Center on International Women's Day for an example of a joyful protest.  Pictured - 1 billion rising for women's rights. Can 1 billion rise for our common home on planet Earth?


With you on the journey through hardship and toward a better world,

Nancy Faulstich, Director





Reach deep and if you are able, increase your support for our vital work at this critical moment.


Donate securely TODAY on our website. 




-Make a check out to Community Initiatives with Regeneration in the memo.

Mail to:


PO Box 1252

Freedom, CA 95019


Our actions today will affect life on Earth long into the future.


Please contact me at if you are interested in exploring a large investment or a legacy gift.  


Proposed Battery Storage - Minto Road

Many residents are rightfully concerned about the safety of a  proposed new battery storage plant after the Moss Landing battery plant fire.

We have heard that Supervisor Hernandez office is planning a Town Hall. 

Battery storage has been described as an essential part of California's plans to get off of fossil fuels. Is this a false climate solution? Are potential negative effects of storage a risk we need to take in order to stop using gas and oil, which are known to be incompatible with life as we know it?  A company has proposed plans using a newer technology. (They are years away from an approval process. )This is the time to gather facts and make an informed choice. 


Let's go Ride a Bike!


Free food and bikes available to borrow!


Please spread the word.


Share your concerns about fires and other hazards!

Santa Cruz County is conducting a Hazard Mitigation Survey. Make your voice heard.

Hazard mitigation is the use of sustained, long-term actions to reduce the loss of life, personal injury, and property damage that can result from a natural disaster. 


Coastal Commission Wants Feedback for Strategic Plan!

Join a focus group if you are interested in increasing access to California’s coast and its incredible resources. The Coastal Commission is a permitting agency that intends to carefully evaluate how development projects impact the environment and public coastal access. 

These sessions are so that we can understand how to better serve our mission of preserving and protecting California’s coast and ocean for the public.

Listening Sessions for English Speakers:

Monday, March 17th from 3:30-4:30pm -- click here to register

Wednesday, March 19th from 5:30-6:30pm -- click here to register

Listening Sessions for Spanish Speakers:

Tuesday, March 18th from 5:30-6:30pm -- click here to register

Friday, March 21st from 1:00-2:00pm -- click here to register


Good Climate News - Two breakthroughs on rice that could transform the world.


Scientists have achieved two major advances in sustainable rice farming: an innovative cultivation method by Chilean researchers that cuts water use in half, and a new strain from a Chinese-Swedish team that reduces methane emissions by 70%.


The potential for impact here is enormous - rice produces 12% of global methane emissions, and uses around a third of the world's freshwater resources.

Image by Kanenori of Pixabay.


Bad Climate News - Heat at the North Pole

Temperatures at the north pole soared more than 20C above average earlier this month, crossing the threshold for ice to melt.

Temperatures north of Svalbard in Norway had already risen to 18C hotter than the 1991–2020 average on Saturday, according to models from weather agencies in Europe and the US, with actual temperatures close to ice’s melting point of 0C. By Sunday, the temperature anomaly had risen to more than 20C.

“This was a very extreme winter warming event,” said Mika Rantanen, a scientist at the Finnish Meteorological Institute. “Probably not the most extreme ever observed, but still at the upper edge of what can happen in the Arctic.” Image by Simon of Pixabay.


Know Your Rights resources

Santa Cruz County Office of Education website -

Monterey County Know your Rights  Has short videos in many languages, red cards, etc

Rapid Response hotlines to report immigration authority sightings:

Santa Cruz County -  Your Allied Rapid Response -- (831) 204-8082

Monterey County - Solidarity Network- (831) 239-4289


Upcoming Events

March 29 - Wildfire Preparedness workshop at Pajaro Middle School

April 4, Tentative - Zoe Lofgren Congressional Town Hall (in person)

April 13, 11 AM Watsonville Community Bike Ride. 936 East Lake Ave

TBD: Town Hall on Proposed Battery Storage Facility - Minto Road

April 27, 12-3 - Earth Day/Día de la Tierra Watsonville - Plaza




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