As I write, Los Angeles is covered in smoke from 5 actively burning fires and extremely gusty Santa Ana winds have returned, bringing new threats.
There are countless news reports which I won't attempt to summarize here.
Take some time to feel the enormity of the losses.....people and animals' lives... trees, forests, habitat.....homes, businesses, small home-based businesses... parks, places of worship, vehicles... photos, art, artists' studios.... Home to thousands.
Think about the invisible victims of this disaster:
The large number of housekeepers, landscapers, and nannies (likely mostly Latinx/immigrants) who have lost their jobs due to their employers' house burning.
Restaurant, entertainment, other businesses who will lose customers due to the vast and immediate economic hardship of their customers.
To illustrate the size of this disaster, California's newly unveiled budget for the next fiscal year is $328 billion.
It's predicted to be the costliest disaster ever in the US, with estimates jumping each day from $30 to $50 to $135 to $275 BILLION.
My message:
We are all in this together.
We breathe the same air and share the same planet. People collectively CAN take the action needed to end the climate emergency, but we won't if too many people stay on the sidelines.
Although money buys some resources that can help wealthier people prepare for, avoid , or recover from some disasters, money will not be a protection against random climate catastrophes that can strike anywhere on the planet and render air unbreathable.
Some of the wealthiest neighborhoods in LA have been destroyed.
It is sickening to realize that the plastics in our homes not only create extremely toxic smoke, but also easily burn, because they are petroleum based.
Disasters can flare up suddenly and be so large that people cannot do more than witness them unfolding.
I am saddened by the immediate blaming of leadership and swirling of conspiracy theories.
Disaster brings out the best, and the worst in people.
We can and we must unite across all our differences to demand that our cities, counties, states and nations eliminate the use of fossil fuels.
We CAN stabilize the planet, but we won't if emissions continue to rise.
It's easy to feel helpless in the face of catastrophes of this scale. But we are not helpless. Every day we are faced with decisions about where to go, what to do, what to buy, who to talk to. And, we can join together to ensure action on societal level scale to end the climate emergency.
It's been estimated that the US can eliminate 48% of emissions through local, state and business sector reductions. We cannot afford to wait out the next 4 years to hope for future Federal action. Let's get on it!
Take a stand against feeling helpless by actively making decisions that will support life.
DECIDE that you will join the millions of people world wide actively doing SOMETHING to end the climate emergency.
Here are a few ideas to jump-start your thinking.
Read this newsletter and share it with a friend or family member. Ask them to get involved in some way.
Walk rather than drive some of the time.
Buy fruits and vegetables without plastic packaging.
Regeneración is at an inflection point - we have doubled our staff and are preparing to take on a much larger role in the region. If you have funds to spare, an essential action is donating now to ensure we can seize the many opportunities at our fingertips.
LA is not an isolated incident. Remember the fires in Chile, Maui, Boulder, Paradise.
What area will burn next?
Let's bring our best to the global unfolding tragedy of climate change.
We will create a healthier future by taking action today and every day.
Please support our work to center community voices
in all local climate solutions.
Here are two easy ways to INVEST NOW.
Donate securely now on our website.
-Make a check out to Community Initiatives with Regeneration in the memo.
Mail to:
PO Box 1252
Freedom, CA 95019
People from all walks of life support our work and we value each and every donation.
Investing now will save money in the future.
What we do in the next few years will affect generations, and could determine outcomes for people for hundreds or even thousands of years.
I'm inspired to be with you at this critical moment in history.
Nancy Faulstich, Director
Please contact me at nancy@regenerationpajarovalley.org if you are interested in exploring a large investment or a legacy gift.

Pajaro Photo Storytelling on display at Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History January 3 - February 2, 2025.
Visit the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History and view an exhibition of images and stories by Pajaro Youth and Community Leaders about how climate change is impacting people in Pajaro!
The goal of the project is to use photojournalism techniques so that Pajaro residents tell lasting stories and express their fears, hopes and dreams in the real face of climate change.
Photo credit: Nicky Rosenberg
Pictured - Angelina, one of the 5 Pajaro residents whose work is featured in the exhibit.

Preliminary results - year end appeal
We are so appreciative of 177 generous donors who have collectively contributed $75,192 through our year end appeal!
It's not too late to contribute!
Donate securely on our website or send a check.
Please write checks to:
Community Initiatives
with “Regeneration” in memo.
PO Box 1252
Freedom, CA 95019
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Emergency Preparedness Resources
Our partners at Community Bridges have produced short videos that are tailored specifically for Pajaro Valley residents to help prepare for winter disasters. Please share!
Steps to Take During a Flood
English: Watch the video
Spanish: Mira el video
How to Prepare a Go-Bag
English: Watch the video
Spanish: Mira el video

Good Climate News -Protection from off-shore drilling
President Biden permanently bans 625 million acres of ocean from drilling.
Read statement from White House , contributing toward effort to preserve 30% of US lands and waters by 2030.

Bad Climate News - Weird Weather
A tornado touched down in Scotts Valley.
Huge waves caused collapse of 150 feet of the historic Santa Cruz Wharf.
Southern CA is in (another) historic drought and LA is burning, with more than 40,000 acres or 62 square miles already burned.
Daffodils are blooming in early January.
Don't expect things to "return to normal" in your lifetime!

Upcoming Events
Through February 2- Our Pajaro Photo Gallery will be on display at the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History!
January 24 - Regeneración will display EV at Farmer's Market in Watsonville and answer questions. 2- 6:00 pm
February 1 - 9:30-1 World Wetlands Day
February 20 - Regeneración will display EV at Farmer's Market in Watsonville and answer questions. 2-6:00 pm