Happy 2024!
This is a wonderful time to reflect on our health and well being. Read on for resources about how climate change affects our physical and mental health.
There are many direct impacts of global warming, including melting of glaciers, warmer oceans, warmer air, and rising sea levels. These cause secondary impacts such as more intense storms, hotter wildfires, extended droughts, flooding, and landslides. All of these impacts affect people and other species of animals and plants.
People with fewer material and economic resources bear a disproportionate burden of the effects of climate impacts. These are typically people who have lived lower carbon lifestyles and therefore done less to contribute to the problem, which is why climate change is unjust.
Here is a website detailing the health impacts of climate change. Please read and use to start discussions with family, friends, neighbors, members of your workplace, or faith communities.
It is good to remember that climate change essentially poses a public health emergency.
Rising temperatures and air pollution are linked to many different dangerous health incidents such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, confusion and worsened asthma. Pre-existing conditions including elevated blood pressure and cholesterol and diabetes increase peoples' vulnerability to heat.
Inside Climate News just released a detailed report: Dying in the Fields as temperatures Soar about how farmworkers are particularly susceptible to dangerous health effects of global warming and are dying at unacceptable rates.
All work to slow and eventually stop rising temperatures and adapt to the impacts of a changed climate will result in improved health outcomes. Please read and share widely.
This work will also lead to greater economic justice, more green space, reduced stress, less asthma, and better indoor and outdoor air quality. View the graphic above for excellent strategies we can work to implement in every community.
Your donation will help us work for climate justice for the people of the Pájaro Valley.
Here are 2 easy ways to give:
-Donate securely on our website.
-Make a check out to Community Initiatives with Regeneration in the memo.
Mail to:
PO Box 1252
Freedom, CA 95019
Thank you!
Working with you to build a more healthy, equitable, and climate-resilient Pájaro Valley,
Nancy Faulstich, Director
with Eloy Ortiz, Special Projects Manager and Maria Perez, Community Organizer

Cultural Erosion: The Climate Threat to Latino Heritage
Check out this unique new report from the Hispanic Access Foundation with analysis and policy recommendations including why heritage protection is a climate equity solution.

Local News: Watsonville's New Nature Center
It will serve as a hub forenvironmental learning, resilience, and conservation, with bilingualexhibits and programming. Help Watsonville Wetlands Watch and the City bring this vital community resource to fruition. Learn more.

Good news! Youth climate court case will go to trial
"The justices ruled the youth represented in La Rose vs. His Majesty the King deserve a trial to determine if Canada is fulfilling its constitutional obligations to protect children’s rights to life, liberty and security of the person under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms." Learn more.

Not so good climate news
Governor Newsom is proposing 7% cut in climate programs due to budget deficit. This would include waiting 3 years on program to help lower income folks access electric vehicles. Delaying reduction of emissions will only cost more and harm health in the long run... Read more at Cal Matters. Image by diema from Pixabay

Upcoming events:
February 1-2: Strategic Growth Council Catalyst Conference - Watch Plenary on Youtube! February 3: World Wetlands Day, location TBD