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February News: Songs to Uplift Spirits

Writer: Nancy FaulstichNancy Faulstich

Crowd assembling on Monday Feb 3 in Watsonville for Day without immigrants.
Crowd assembling on Monday Feb 3 in Watsonville for Day without immigrants.


Action is the antidote to despair.


There is strength in numbers and we can join together in the biggest movement ever to protect our communities and all life.


Now is a great time to think deeply and strategize.


We’re alive at this turning point in history. Our oppressive society appears about to collapse.


We get to be part of building a new society that centers on well being for all. Did you ever imagine you might be on the front lines of sweeping change? Now's our moment!


What if our biggest challenge is the fears we carry and our biggest obstacle is believing we aren't enough?


When we were young we saw things that were wrong and were told we couldn't do anything about it.  We may still be carrying feelings of powerlessness and a sense that it's futile to try to do anything.  The reality now is there's nothing we can't do if we unite.


We can shake off our fears and shed our tears about the horrible things that are happening each day. Feelings will move if you let them out. If left inside they hurt our bodies and spirits, causing chronic diseases and long term stress, and leaving us feeling unable to act or think.


We can face the reality of what is happening, but keep choosing where we put our attention and not let irrational fears take over and prevent us from acting or living our lives with joy and purpose.


Let’s be ready for when the signal goes out for all to move together.


When 3.5% of the population is committed, there will be a General Strike.  That's 11 million people who are needed across the whole US. In Watsonville that's 1,210. The Pajaronian reported 1000s of people marched on February 3 - so we already have more than 3.5% mobilized!


Upcoming actions:


Not My President's Day - Feb 17 - marches at state capitals (and other places?)


I'm hearing calls for an Economic Blackout for 24 hours on February 28 -  and Stop everything on March 15 as well as an Amazon boycott March 7-15.  


To be successful, a movement must include many constituencies within the United States. 


Check out these groups and consider joining/starting local chapters, and report back to us what you think.


At Regeneración we have a well thought out and solid five year strategic plan.  

We are a trusted and dependable partner in the region. We have built strong relationships with dozens of agencies and have hundreds of committed supporters.  We will do our best 

 to pivot in response to changing circumstances.


We will pull together with others to protect a livable environment for all.  Each of us can strategically decide where to put our body, how to use our voice and share our thoughts in writing and speaking. 


Don't stay on the sidelines during a pivotal moment in history.


Get inspired through music!

Here's some of what I'm listening to:


Step by Step - with Sweet Honey in the Rock

It could have been me - Holly Near

Glory - Song from movie Selma

Protest Songs playlists


Other ideas of what to do in hard times:

  • Grow food

  • Learn survival skills

  • Find a group to be your home base

  • Spend time in nature

  • Exercise

  • Sing with a group


I'm inspired to be with you at this unprecedented moment in history.

Nancy Faulstich, Director


Donations of all sizes are critical so we maintain forward momentum.


Here are two easy ways to INVEST NOW.



Donate securely now on our website. 




-Make a check out to Community Initiatives with Regeneration in the memo.

Mail to:


PO Box 1252

Freedom, CA 95019


What we do in the next few years will affect generations, and could determine outcomes for people for hundreds or even thousands of years. 


Please contact me at if you are interested in exploring a large investment or a legacy gift.  


Meet our new Climate Resilience and Adaptation Manager! 

Richard Castillo is fluent in English and Spanish, holds a master’s degree in International Environmental Policy from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in California, and a law degree from the University of Costa Rica. Richard specializes in environmental policy research and stakeholder engagement across cultures. His diverse experience spans Costa Rica, the US, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Asia, focusing on coastal communities and marine policy. 

Richard has contributed to numerous projects enhancing environmental sustainability and community engagement and is looking forward to contributing to Regeneración's mission and fostering collaboration with stakeholders. His global perspective and passion for outdoor activities enrich his approach to complex environmental challenges.


Pajaro Photo Voice on National Platform!

We're so grateful to partners at the River Network for amplifying our project. 


Shout out to Black Climate Activists!


As we celebrate Black History Month take some time to learn about Black Climate Activists such as Vanessa Nakate,  Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson,  Reverend Michael Malcolm, and others. 

The Solutions Project will be Advancing Black-Led Climate Solutions.


Transit Survey Coming!

The Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is committed to regularly soliciting input to effectively prioritize regional transportation needs. Look for a community survey in March to identify transit and paratransit needs that are not being met by the existing public transit system or could be improved. The list highlights these needs for decision-makers and the public, prioritizing the most critical gaps. 

To be notified when the survey is released please visit the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Advisory Committee webpage for the latest news and  to sign up for e-notifications, or subscribe to our mailing lists here. Questions: Sierra Topp, Transportation Planning Technician, at Image by Pixels from Pixabay.


There is no Climate Justice without Immigrant Justice!

Displacements due to extreme weather are estimated annually at 21.6. million with a projection of 1.2 billion by 2025  as unnatural disasters worsen and multiply. 

It is possible to think well about all world residents during the climate emergency and welcome people across borders. 

Regeneración will stock a supply of Immigrant Justice/Climate Justice stickers this spring : email to set up a time to stop by the office and pick some up.  (Most days someone is there between 9-5). Or order your own here.


So grateful for community support!

We raised a total of $75,246.41 in our Fall Appeal!

Donations are still coming in.

It's not too late to contribute!

Donate securely on our website or send a check (details above).


Know Your Rights resources

Santa Cruz County Office of Education website -

Monterey County Know your Rights  Has short videos in many languages, red cards, etc

Rapid Response hotlines to report immigration authority sightings:

Santa Cruz County -  Your Allied Rapid Response -- (831) 204-8082

Monterey County - Solidarity Network- (831) 239-4289


Good Climate News - U.S. protects more than 800,000 acres of indigenous lands


In his final days in office, President Biden of the United States created two new national monuments that combined will protect more than 800,000 acres of tribal lands. The action preserves lush forests, wildflowers, drinking water, fisheries, and lakes, as well as Indigenous culture and communities. “We are happy to see the designation protect this area that contains thousands of cultural places and objects of vital importance to the history and identity of the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians,” said chairman Joseph DL Mirelez. He said his tribe has called the lands within the new Chuckwalla monument home for millennia. Another indigenous leader, Brandy Daniels of the Pit River Tribe, said, “We’ve spent a lifetime fighting to protect this area, and it’s hard to put into words how important this is to us.”


Bad Climate News - New U.S President acts to worsen

the climate crisis

  In his first two weeks in office, Donald Trump, the newly installed President of the United States who calls climate change a hoax, has taken many horribly harmful climate actions. He pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement, ordered even more drilling for gas and oil, suspended financial incentives for installing renewable energy, gutted environmental  regulations that protected health and air and water quality, prohibited new offshore wind power installations, moved to eliminate all climate justice initiatives, and cancelled all programs assisting other nations to respond to the climate emergency.

Image by Alexander Antropov of Pixabay


Bike Church Opportunities

The Bike Church ( 703 Pacific Ave Santa Cruz) will be hosting  monthly Intro to Bikes workshop on March 9th from 10-11:30am (and every second Sunday of the month at that time.)

They host volunteer nights on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings ( 3/12 + 3/26).

More info on volunteering can be found on the Bike Church website.


Upcoming Events

February 21 - Regeneración will display EV at the Downtown Farmer's Market in Watsonville and answer questions. 2-6:00 pm

February 17 - Not my president's day rallies

February 17-21 - Black Climate Week - The Solutions Project . Follow and share content!

February 28 - Economic Blackout (primarily of big corporations - still support local restaurants and businesses) starting 12 AM for 24 hours.

March 9 - Bike Mechanic workshop - Santa Cruz 10-1130 AM.  703 Pacific Ave.

March 10 - 1-4, Aromas Grange. Community Workshop to Create Vision of Pajaro River Watershed. Info:

March 12 and 26 - Volunteer nights at Bike Church Santa Cruz.  



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