Students: Tell your story! |
Everyone has a story of how they, their family and their community are experiencing climate change.
Please help us spread the word to high school students in Pajaro!
Project Overview: Students will have the chance to participate in a photo voice project. This will be a storytelling opportunity via the use of photos and writing to reflect on their experiences with the changing climate and how it impacts their community, family, and themselves. No photography experience or equipment is required. This project is open to high school students from Pajaro. Student’s photography and work will be displayed at a community exhibition hosted by Regeneración.
Timeline: Interested students are asked to complete the interest form by March 1st, 2024.
Apply here: https://bit.ly/photovoicepv
Meetings: Selected participants will commit to attending three in-person after-school workshops at our office in downtown Watsonville.
Location: 23 E. Beach St Suite 104, Watsonville, CA 95076.
Incentive: Selected students participating will receive a $100 gift card. Help support innovative programs like this project by donating today.
Donations of $100 or more will be recognized as sponsors of this specific project if you specify "Pajaro Photo Voice" in memo.
Here are 2 easy ways to give:
-Donate securely on our website.
-Make a check out to Community Initiatives with Regeneration in the memo. Mail to: Regeneration PO Box 1252 Freedom, CA 95019
Thank you.
Working with you to build a more healthy, equitable, and climate-resilient Pájaro Valley, Nancy Faulstich, Director
with Eloy Ortiz, Special Projects Manager and Maria Perez, Community Organizer

Meet our new Everett Program volunteer!
Naja Steward is a second year Environmental Studies student in the Everett Program, a unique pathway at UCSC that allows students to work with nonprofits to create tech tools for social innovation. She is passionate about climate adaptation, urban planning, and policymaking, and will be creating an interactive mapping project that will layer census data, potential Transformative Climate Communities project ideas, and community opinions.

National News
Check out the semifinalists from this year's American Climate Leadership Awards! You'll be inspired. (Regeneración was proud to win second place award in 2020).

Important Policy Report Announced!
The Center for Law, Energy and the Environment at UC Berkeley Law has released the policy report informed by a Watsonville convening discussion in May 2023. You can access the full report Charging up the Central Coast: Policy Solutions to Improve Electric Vehicle Charging Access in Watsonville at this landing page.
Here is a blog summarizing the key points of the report- How Can Cities Ensure EV Charging Accessibility for Lower-Income Drivers?.

Local news!
Local company nominated for Earthshot. From the website:
"Climatize is transforming solar financing & investing to make it more efficient, transparent & accessible."

Not so good climate news
Have we already passed 1.5 degrees of warming? Uh oh! Why didn't this get more attention in the media? According to a 2021 news report, among other scary facts, a world that's warmed 1.5 degrees means the loss of 75-90% of coral reefs worldwide. How do you feel about that? Let's double down and increase the speed of transitioning away from fossil fuels. Thank you to Cristian IS of Ecuador for use of this image!

Upcoming Events:
April 20: Earth Day Santa Cruz
April 21: Watsonville Earth Day/Children's Day, 12-4 pm
April 21: Seaside Earth Day with Trashion Fashion Show and Electric Vehicle Ride and Drive